Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Walking and Talking

Cannon's walking more and more these days. He's up to a record 11 steps in one stride, but usually it's 3-6 at a time. He easily can walk, squat to pick up something and walk again. It's impressive how strong he's getting and how fast he's finally beginning to master this skill. The other thing that he's been doing a lot of is. . .talking! He says at least 7 words including mama, dada, outside, ball, see, fish, and my personal favorite--thank you. He says a lot more, that I can't quite make out and he sure points a lot. We are also working more on his sign language skills. He can put his fingertips together to show more, put his hand to his mouth for "eat" and rub his hand on his chest for "please". In the second video, I'm trying to get him to show the sign for "more" which he wouldn't do for the camera, but he did say "thank you". It's so cute when he says it!

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